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Crosfield & Selhurst Nursery School

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What do Governors do?

The Role of Governors

The Federation's Governing Board helps both schools to maintain the high standard of education and quality of provision provided, through carrying out a number of tasks, such as:

  • Monitoring progress against the School Improvement Plan, which focuses on the areas the school have identified in order to keep getting better
  • Reviewing and updating policies as and when they are due to be reviewed, including those relating to the curriculum
  • Agreeing the school budget at the beginning of the Financial Year, and then monitoring how the school is performing, using benchmarking tools to support and challenge
  • Visiting the school regularly, and providing reports to the Governing Board on progress and areas for development


Would you like to be a governor?

You need to:

  • Be enthusiastic and committed to wanting children to get the best from their school
  • Be willing to raise questions constructively and participate in discussion and decision-making
  • Be discrete, open minded and fair
  • Be prepared to participate in the life of the school
  • Take the time to attend governor meetings and training
  • Be open to new ideas and be ready to learn
  • Act at all times with honesty and integrity and be ready to explain actions and decisions

How to apply

Every governor is generally expected to stay in their role for a period of 4 years. The list of governors shows when their position is due for reconsideration and, if you are interested in and eligible to apply for the role, you should make the Chair of Governors or the Executive Head Teacher aware.
Otherwise, the school will advertise any vacancies for community and parent governors as and when they become available. 

If you would like to apply for the role of Local Authority Governor, you should contact Governor Services:

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